Friday 7 May 2010

This week I have had the privilege,tinged with sadness of meeting many colleagues and friends of an extraordinary guy, David Morris, who was one of the people really got me going on the issue of reading and how it controlled so much what happens in so many peoples lives. Society in a typically biological way tries to bring everyone towards a 'norm'. If your capabilites away considered to be 'abnormal'then you have difficulties dealing with the barriers which society puts in front of you. Not barriers placed there on purpose but by default,unintentional. To point out that these barriers can be removed needs first for people with 'power' to first realise that they really are 'barriers' and not just the 'norm',,,'what is'.

The right to mobility, 'the right to ride'was fought for and achieved in the most part but it took concerted effort and a lot of time.
Recenty David and my life had crossed and he had seen that a great liberation in terms of access to text was not only possible but probable.
Dave had his computer screens adjusted to what allowed him to be an even better reader, I know he was surprised by just what it could do for him. He determined to try and help other people to get access to it. David, like me was excited by the adventure of finding out just what the outcomes would be if this particular barrier ,this text access limitation, was lowered or totally removed.. The technology nows exists to bring it to people no matter where they live or what they do.. The right to read.

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